Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Big Brother is watching you...

Why would you want to centralize anything? Especially information... Information is the one thing that you can never get too much of. Anyone who feels like I have access to too much information is obviously working for "The Man", and any attempt to control my ability to garner information is censorship in my opinion...

It's like some Orwellian fantasy come to life. we're on the verge of living in some dystopian society where I can't speak my mind because It goes against the ideals of the people in charge. It's just like when they arrested Jim Morrison for saying the "F" word in concert; or when they used the ludovico technique on Alex in "A Clockwork Orange"... I won't have it. I'll stand up to this tyranny! I won't allow this passive-aggressive mind control to corrupt our children and friends alike!

...I also disagree with citing my sources on any papers... It's just another attempt by "The Man" to control the way I think...

To HELL with the system...

Monday, September 22, 2008

*sigh* writing...

Writing is great... But why do I have to do it? I'm not very interesting...

I'm pretty certain that nothing I ever write will affect your life in any tangible way. And odds are, if my writing affects anybody, it will only be negatively... You might as well not even waste your time reading this blog... I'm serious, stop reading this. It's a huge waste of your time and attention. Since time=money, you're wasting an awful lot of money looking me up on blogger... Don't you have something better to do with all that time you could be using to make money right now? Unless of course you're Ms. Brown, in which case you should keep on reading. Oh and give me an A for the semester while you're at it....

Wednesday, September 10, 2008


This is Georges St. Pierre, the best fighter on the planet.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

The greatest patriot EVER-(1990-2080)

The greatest patriot of all time was taken from us on monday September 1, while on an exhibition to Saturn...

While many of you may have known him as the most successful concert oboist of all time, Kevin Begley was so much more than that. He was an entrepreneur who earned billions through interplanetary travel. He was one of the most prominant politicians of America's history. He was an academy award winning actor.

After gaining fame and notoriety from his chart topping first album, Kevin Begley soon became the leading voice behind colonizing other planets in our solar system. After becoming the senator of Kentucky as a third party candidate and serving 7 terms with great succes, Kevin Begley ran for president in 2048. After winning over 90% of the vote, he would go on to deny the presidency at his inauguration date. His reason, he didn't feel like it.

After denying the presidency, Kevin Begley lived the rest of his life in seclusion exploring the universe.

Kevin Begley was truly a great man, and he will be greatly missed.

February 10, 1990-September 1, 2080